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About Hawaiian Shamanic Bodywork



In ancient times there were mystery schools to attend. A mystery school is a university of the soul, a school for the study of the mysteries of life, the inner nature of humanity and of the universe. By understanding these mysteries, the student experiences his or her intimate relationship with their own inner divinity and with the Universe at large, as a family. Now a days those who have the ability to learn spirit medicine need a place to develop their skills and practice the ways of sacred alignment. The way of compassion, forgiveness and gratitude can transform your life.


We are all here on earth to heal and grow through relationships. Attending our training retreats is an excellent way to do both. We welcome you with open hearts. We promote and build spiritual family—loving support team players of the Master Game: the game of consciousness and awareness of Infinite Love that supports all life, and exists only to be extended by us, as Itself.  


If you are drawn to this work, there is something within you that is looking for this particular depth of spiritual intimacy or flavor of personal transformation, perhaps because on some level it is familiar to you or it may have qualities that resonate with your journey at this time.


Here are a few Testimonials from past students and clients.

Here are some Articles we've written about Hawaiian Culture
and our work that have 
been published worldwide.


My life has been and is still a flowing river of loving synchronicity since my practice began in 1996. Are you ready for such a journey? I am honored to share with you all that I am and and all that I feel is sacred about life, death, birth and Infinity. We are here to empower each other!

Come! Be brave! Step into your True Power!


© Shamanic Bodywork 2024

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