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12 Days of Advanced Training: Deep Joint Rotations & KUPUA Navigator Course ~ Kisslegg, Germany [OPTION THREE]

Mon, Apr 22


Kißlegg, Germany

A Powerful Training for Advancing Holistic Healing practitioners and body workers. We'll dive deep into the ART of transformation, sharing many Advanced Shamanistic Skill Sets *~* [read more below]

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12 Days of Advanced Training: Deep Joint Rotations & KUPUA Navigator Course  ~ Kisslegg, Germany [OPTION THREE]
12 Days of Advanced Training: Deep Joint Rotations & KUPUA Navigator Course  ~ Kisslegg, Germany [OPTION THREE]

Time & Location

Apr 22, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+2 – May 05, 2024, 12:00 PM GMT+2

Kißlegg, Germany, Sebastian-Kneipp-Straße 1, 88353 Kißlegg, Germany


About the Event

Dear Magic Women, I am aware that teachers from Hawaii keep coming to Germany, and Kealohi is one of them. His repertoire is indeed extraordinary, and he's been teaching for 27 years... But above all, and you know this, it must feel like a "YES!" I REALLY appreciate your work! and am grateful for everyone who spreads the spirit of the Lomi in the world. If you can't or don't want to come yourself, perhaps you could send the information to former participants who might be interested. It's a healing adventure...   All the best and only the best for you!"

  *** Monica Ananda Organizer for Germany and translator - GERMAN TRANSLATION HERE

Shamanic Energetic Healing: Kupua Navigator- This course is intended for practitioners who would like to experience healing themselves would like to expand their bodywork/Lomi skills to the energetic-shamanic level. Contents include "bone washing", changing the paths in the brain for the good, timelines in Pa'a, activating the golden cocoon, dissolving hurtful projections and Self-ID Ho'oponopono according to Mornah Simeona.

The two seminars can be booked individually, OR, as an “intensive combination”. Early bird: Discount apply until February 14th

THREE PREREQUISITES to satidfy for appling to join this course: 

  1. Read and study: Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing ~ Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit
  2. I have or will have more than 50 hrs of Massage and/or Lomilomi training
  3. I have or am opening a healing practice 


This 12 day healing journey will show you how to navigate a deeper healing experience with Kealohi's guidance. He will share with you a very unique routine that he's recently developed for creating the most amount of healing in the shortest amount of time! 

A New Shamanic Bodywork Routine ~ which includes many shamanic techiques, from Uncle Harry's work, Sherman Dudoit's work, Serge King's work and Abraham Kawaii's work, rolled into one session!

You must book a video chat with Kealohi before you will be able to register! We want to build the container with experienced practitioners who are growing their healing practice and wanting to dive deeper into their effectiveness with many kinds of people.

Open your heart, mind and body to HEAL, and root youself in the deeper landscape of the mysteries of life using the Hawaiian language and chants, advanced shamanistic bodywork techniques, PRAYER, RITUAL, CEREMONY, and many other powerful skill sets.

 Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing ~ Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit will be used as our manual for Ho'oponopon, Kahi Loa, Bonewashing, Altering the Pathways in the Brain, Past and Future into Pa'a, Golden Cocoon Activation,Healing Prayers, Resolving Hurtful Projections.

There will be so much spiritual wisdom shared in this course, it is very difficult to list all that will happen through the "Spirit Channel". 

That's why there is a firm prerequisite in place for everyone before registering.  

Once your application is approved, your Welcome Letter will guide you into specific passages in my book to study more carefully, so you can be ready for a deeper understanding and application of the technique and what's being presented.

We will open the idea of ritual and ceremony as being the avenue that a Healing Trance is carried on. I will share with you many forms of romancing the 'Ku', the subconscious mind into a pathway of trust, safety and emotional evolution by releasing bits and pieces that are blooking your energy and  freedom of expression as a Radiant Creator Being. 


  • Ho'oponopono Healing Circle ~ Reclaiming Original Innocence, THE WAY OF HO'OPONOPONO  (Wayne's book for study)
  • Kahi Loa Lomi ~ A Touch of Hawaiian Magic
  • Hawaiian Language studies: You will create your own Hawaiian chant
  • The Kahuna Navigator's Eye Exercise ~ (for seeing the stars in the daytime)
  • Bone Washing ~ cleaning the skin of the bones
  • Clearing the Rivers ~ cleaning the pathways of the lower legs for removing stuck energy and grounding the spirit in the body
  • Extractions ~ Entity Removal Techniques
  • Hawaiian Blessing Chant for: a healing, a birth, a death, a meal, a space, etc.
  • Learn the 8 steps for a GOLDEN COCOON Acivation - Balancing Neurological Circuits and Building a cocoon of GOLDEN LIGHT with twinkling stars for sealing a profound Healing experience or Lomilomi transformation, in honor of this soul's lifetime's incarnation.
  • HAIPULE ~ Hawaiian Manifestation Ceremony using the Elements & Kingdoms of Nature and the Magic of Water, with Hawaiian Blessing Chant

We will practice deeper listening skills for opening the Heart in the Spirit Channel and receiving accurate assessments of what specific medicine will be most effective to use for the 'pattern-shift' that must occur and is most beneficial for someone's healing.


Only 15 Haumana will be accepted into this profound Healing Journey with Advanced Skill-Sets 

If you are interested and you have the prerequqistes, don't hesitate to contact Kealohi and book a zoom interview. 


Earlybird-2 / Tuition-only BOTH April courses / €1919 ~ Pay-in-full before Feb 14, {save €372}   


To book Lodging and Meals for 7 nights or more  Sonnenstrahl Retreat Center, Kisslegg, Germany 

*** If you're coming from a distance, it's best to arrive the night before training begins and also stay one night after the training for a deeper rooting and better integration of all the changes that were set in motion.

  • You'll receive SUPER HEALTHY VEGITATRIAN FOOD with Local Organic produce
  • Book a minimum of 7 Nights stay during the training


  • 12 Day Training Tuition

    12 Days of 2 Trainings

    Sale ended
  • Training Deposit nonrefundable

    This Deposit is non-refundable. See our Cancelation Policy below.

    Sale ended
  • Tuition Balance before April 1

    Sale ended
  • 3 Payments of €707

    Sale ended



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