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Embracing the Solstice Shifts

Writer's picture: Wayne Kealohi PowellWayne Kealohi Powell

How are you? Really! Are you ready for Summer?

How are you getting on after the 'GREAT compression' that we all experienced over the past 3 years? We are recreating our lives in more integrity and purpose than ever before. Summer always seems to speed things up as 'solar power' overcomes our lovely Spring daze. Have you been dealing with some deeper feelings about the changes in your life? I have. And it seems to be more intense lately as the changes required to keep-up, present their challenges. For me, it seems that 'self-inquiry' is the only medicine that works every time to bring me back to my 'center'. It all begins when I wake up each day. How will I spend this new day? What feelings accompany my waking moments? Fear, doubt, or elation to rise to the occasion. Do I really want to get out of bed? If not, why? If so, why? SELF MAINTENANCE has become the most important aspect of managing my daily LIFE! I tend to overbook myself, alot! And then, when I crash, I don't have enough energy to share with everyone, and this saddens me. I usually have more than enough energy!

THE TRUTH DIALOG - Embracing the Unlimited Self, will be launched very soon, This is book 2 in the Sacred Apology 3 Book Series, Learn how to facilitate a "TRUTH DIALOG" with Self and others.


That's why I canceled the July training on Kauai. After an intensive Spring tour to Germany, Ireland and Austria, I need some DEEP REST TIME to recoop my loving (everybody) energy..

I apologize to all those who have had their sights on showing up on Kauai this Summer and learning some Temple Style Lomi. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you.

I am taking the Summer to play music and write some songs and some articles, perhaps organize another book on the BTU--Body Tune Up; Or create another meditation album.


I will be in Austin, TX this Summer, until further notice. I'm spending time with my son, Jarod, who's an amazing tattoo artist. His work has been getting lots of worldwide attention lately.

If you are near Austin, Texas area, and if you're interested in a healing session or private training, do get in touch. I will be doing a few private sessions here and there..


Registration is NOW OPEN for the Fall Tour in Europe!


There are three events in Germany. Two of them in Kisslegg: A Hawaiian Healing Weekend; a Kahuna Bodywork Course; and a Traditional Lomilomi Training in ISNY.. We are presenting some very rich healing adventures beginning September 2nd..


I'm very excited to be returning to Glastonbury, England with three healing events. *** INTRO to Hawaiian Meedicine (evening), *** Hawaiian Healing Weekend and *** Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi Training


I will be teaching in Taipei, Taiwan this Novemeber, presenting three healing events. We will have these up on our Events Calandar in mid-July. Stay tuned for exact dates and locations!

Keep an eye on our Events Calendar for more trainings.


If you wanna be present on Kauai with me and the HSB Crew in December for the grad finally of my teaching career, don't hestate to register soon. This event is already filling up!

I will be sharing many tecxhniques from the Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing book that have not been shared before. It is a training in "Healing Trance--Medicine". Check out the offerings:

I hope your Summer days are filled with feeling loved and on purpose with your Life! Remeber that getting out of bed requires that we have something inspiring to do so.

CREATE a Life full of purpose and service that fills your HEART & SOUL with wonder and glee. Get the help you need for this to happen, every day, every minute of every day and PROSPER in ways you didn't even know were possible! There's no way to tell how many Summers each of us have left. So lets make the very best of the one we have NOW! Create the most abundant Summer ever and enjoy every momenmt!

I love you all and wish you the BEST Summer of your Life. 

All the best to you and yours!!!

E Aloha Mana Pono,




© Shamanic Bodywork 2024

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