Welcome to Europe, Kealohi..."the time has come!"

Most of you reading this know me, or are aware of me, or have some concept of who I am, 'set in your mind'. What if your concept of me is quite limiting, the concept of your self may also be quite limiting. Have you ever wondered how others perceive you? Most people will not share with you what they see unless the way you're acting is seriously offending them, or they think, 'I'm your friend and I know what's right for you'. Either way, we are only seeing through our filtered concepts of who or what we think should be, not what is, as it is. We often look for the faults in others, rather than seeing their innocence and their radiance.
Are you aware that 'what you think others are thinking about you' could be the primary way that you diminish your self worth? What if it were impossible to KNOW what some one else is actually thinking about you. The feeling that you get when you think of them, actually belongs only to you, even if you think the feeling is coming from what you think they are thinking about you! This is how we keep ourselves small, so others will like us.
Caring about what others think about you is one of the biggest suffering traps that all humans have to deal with, because we are raised to put others first, above our own feelings, above our own needs. This has become the primary leak of our innocent, precious energy--holding us away from complete self loving, self reliance, self praise, and self responsibility.

There's a much healthier way to live
Self-Identity Ho'oponopono has become a way of life for me since I arrived in Europe three months ago. Those of you who read my last blog are aware that I arrived in England, March 1st to begin a new life. I built a healing temple where I was staying in Tichmarsh, Kettering and expected the usual appearance of clients that show up where ever I go in the world. To my surprise, no one showed up. Only two healings happened within the family I stayed with.
When I met the lovely owners of the pub across the street from the guesthouse I was staying in, they became very interested in hiring me to play Aloha music, even though they rarely had any music in the pub. When they heard I was a healer, they were delightfully entertained and said, "That's lovely, but, sorry, we are all beyond healing," and everyone laughed!
Then, I met another pub owner from the musical town of Stony Stratford, England. When Shawn heard my songs, he hired me on the spot as a feature for his out door beer garden, to open his Summer BBQ Events. This gig went very well in deed. I was accompanied by a hand drummer and we entertained over 300 people on Sunday June 11 with Aloha music!
In England, The King Arthur Pub and the Fox and Hounds Pub have all been amazing gigs, which has inspired me to build a trio with a hand-drummer and lead guitarist who ca sing harmony for playing concerts and the festivals in 2024. In Germany I'm playing House Concerts and Restaurant gigs.
It's Never What You Think...
"Have you ever lost your way? Have mercy, thinking about yesterday..."
"Long before, you were broken, long before harsh words were spoken, there was nothing to rise above." "Go where the love is. Go where the love is. Go where the love is, and you won't be lost again!" [song: Go Where The Love Is]
As I stated in my previous blog, I intended in England to do music, to start a band and play festivals. Well, I was wrong on all accounts. I was 10 months too late to get into festivals, and the musicians who I met were all in 3 working bands already. So I played the King Arthur Pub and shot a music video, and taught the Glastonbury Lomi training in May and recalibrated my purpose in Europe as I headed toward Germany. This is where the story gets a wee bit juicy.
A lovely German lady who was inspired to come to Kauai and study the Kupua Navigator training five years ago named Monika Ananda Wiese, was reading my previous blog and responded to my question of, "How are you dealing with your challenges in life?"After answering my question so eloquently, Monika, in her delightful way, replied, "If you are already in England why don't you come to Germany?" In this request, I felt a spark of Light.
In the end May, I went to Germany after the Glastonbury Lomilomi training and discovered the sweetest, most kind people I have ever met. Monika Ananda introduced me to a thriving, conscious community of loving souls, which was a delightful surprise. So now, I'm living in Germany for the Summer, with a fresh, new 'Ohana, hosted by Franz and PetraMaria, who live by a gorgeous lake, with a few cats and a garden, near the healing center I'm working at.
The Heartworks Lomi Training with Ho'oponopono and Passive Structural Alignment in Germany, was the most powerful course that I've ever taught outside of Hawaii. Monika Ananda was the most gracious Hostess and organizer I've ever worked with. She translated the eBooks, two Course Manuals, and the entire five day training into German.
Seminar Zen Trum, Sonnenstrahl. The Retreat Center was the highest quality with the best management. Robert, was kind and spoke good English. His best friend lives in Hanalei, Kauai, and is the son of Alan Alapai, the founder of the Ho'oponopono Lomilomi linage. The food and lodging are first class. This has now become my new training center in Central Europe and Ananda has become my training organizer in Germany.
We're launching a new course that grew out of what the feedback in May from the students about their experience in the training. The students were blown away in the first day of Ho'oponopono clearings, so now are sharing a Hawaiian Healing Weekend, August 11-13.
Hawaiian Healing Weekend is a 3 day immersion into Hawaiian Healing. This course will supercharge your self-responsibility with effective forgiveness practices, using the first book in the Sacred Apology series; Reclaiming Original Innocence.
The eBook was sent to all students when they registered for the course, (in English and also in German), to study before the course began. They also received an hour of audio meditations (from the book) as an album to jump start their Sacred Apology practice before the course. This formula works so beautifully to acquaint them with the forgiveness language, concepts and the protocols of the Sacred Apology process before we did the deeper cleaning with everyone in the class breathing Light into 'flushing' their story.
Now Ireland has jumped on board to bring me for training in Hawaiian medicine as well. Susana, a lovely Lomilomi Practitioner from Ireland, attended the Glastonbury Lomi training in May, has now booked us a gorgeous Eco-Retreat Center deep in the forested back country of Ireland for a Hawaiian Healing Weekend, Sept 1-3.
Kathrin Koller was visiting Kauai, in the little Talkstory Bookstore in Hanapepe 5 years ago, and found my book on Hawaiian Healing on the shelf. She's been reading it ever since and wondering about the deep connection she feels with me through the book. She loves Hawaii and goes as often as possible. Now, she's inspired to bring me to Switzerland for sharing healing sessions and training.The dates will be announced before the end of the month.
If you are inspired to bring Aloha medicine to your country in Europe, please don't hesitate to reach out, while I am still here. There will be more courses posted in the next few weeks, So get on our website and see the latest offerings as they arise.
I am feeling Kauai calling me home before the end of the year, so jump in and grab a healing session or join other loving souls like yourself in one of the Hawaiian Healing Weekends.
Keep in mind that for more video training with me you can always just purchase the ULTIMATE VIDEO SUPER BUNDLE at HALF PRICE! The Summer Sale is on!
Blessings on your Summer!
May it be so much better, in every way, than what you expected. This means that you are living your Dream in the FLOW with the entire Universe, and Being in your Divine Purpose.
Me ke Aloha Pumehana,
Kealohi kele va'a