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Teacher, Student and Client Responses

Book Review:  Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing, Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit

"The mature Lomilomi practitioner, no matter the franchise, always lives within the current of authority to heal. The core relationship between the soul and the practitioner is the maturing process. When that happens, the healing that follows is immortal. The place we hold for Lomilomi is far-reaching, so many practitioners have far moved past the certificates on their wall and into their own expression. In that expression is the non-franchised, authentic relationship between soul and person, carrying the healing that is known as Lomilomi. And Wayne and Patti’s efforts in this book speaks to all lineages in a single voice."


Harry Uhane Jim, Kahuna

Healer, Teacher, and Author of Wise Secrets of Aloha

Many are the techniques for revitalizing and relaxing the body temple, but there is only one that delivers the results of Wayne's Lomi Lomi techniques. Wayne's unique combination of Lomi Lomi and ancient breath work promotes the integration of healthy new choices while releasing old ones. In short it is a transforming gift to yourself!"

Rev Dr. Michael Beckwith, Founder and Senior Minister

Agape - International Center for Truth

Los Angeles, California, USA

I was trained earlier in LomiLomi yet this training in Kisslegg with Kealohi was since a long time the best hawaiian one I attended. Kumu Kealohi guided us with great aloha loving spirit. We all were able to follow his new and challeging movements through the course. By the end we all managed well the whole treatment. The combination of Ho’oponopono as basic tool, diving then deep into the inner wisdom it supported me through. Since then when I give massage I can innerly connect so much deeper with the clients than before. That feels so great. I may highly recommend this wonderfull course.



Barbara Muller

~ May 2023, Kisslegg, Germany

My first experience of receiving Bodywork from Wayne in 2003 was profound, and I have been hooked ever since. I have been involved in body work for many years and I have had hundreds of body work sessions internationally. What makes Wayne's sessions so profound, is the depth he takes me to and the magic that gets revoked for weeks after my sessions. I literally feel all old baggage fall off, injuries healing fast, and my energy shiny, new, and ready to Take On The World from a place of heart and soul.I now make receiving Wayne's healing work part of my lifestyle and a must for my family and the clients I mentor. I urge you to experience, learn, and dive into Wayne's magic and I assure you that you'll be gifting yourself a spa-healing for your body, mind, and soul.

Satyen Raja,  Vancouver, BC

Founder of Warrior Sage Trainings

I had a magical time in Glastonbury. The training took place in the Healing Water Sanctuary, a spacious welcoming house and the vegetarian food was prepared with loving kindness by our cook Sue. I received a healing session with Wayne before our training, I feel reborn, rejuvenated, stronger, grounded and mature in my being. This session prepared me to dive deep into his teachings and my essence. As a Lomi massage practitioner of 10 years I was feeling stuck and in need of a shift in how to offer my services. Learning the Bodytune up and Heartworks massage gave me a fresh perspective on how much I love to massage people. Assisting them on their healing journey to wellbeing. Wayne is a beautiful fun heart centred deep divine human being who loves to share his knowledge and life experiences with us all.

I am deeply grateful to have met Wayne. I have received what I was looking for. A connection to source and beyond. A dance between lover and beloved.


Mahalo nui loa

Blessings to you all my soul friends

Susana Abreu, Ireland

~ May 2023 Glastonbury, UK

This training was an exceptionally beautiful and enriching experience. There was a perfect balance of structure and flow, and Wayne held the process with kindness and sensitivity to each participant throughout. It gave me exactly what I wanted; clear instruction and time to practice both techniques of bone setting and heartworks lomilomi. I also personally had a profoundly healing experience, as did many others in the group. I left with channels of healing activated in me, the confidence to be able to offer these techniques to others and with my heart burst open and filled with love.


Thank you Wayne!

Layne Gibson, England

~ May 2023 Glastonbury, UK

It is already a week and then some since I landed in Paris and it has taken me that long to actually "land" and come back here... or have I really ? There is so much love and gratitude in my heart for you and all you have provided for us during those last weeks in Molokai. Thank you ever so much for being who you are, I love you with all my heart and soul. And meeting you, Patti, was such a treat, an inspiration, a joy. I look forward to more connecting, giggling, hugging, sharing and dancing together.


These two weeks have been life changing for me. so much so that I was shaken and in such a weird state during my stay. I am feeling the aftermath and I know I will be feeling it for a long time! How wonderful ! I feel really honored and excited and joyful. My heart is set on taking more training with you!


Please receive all my tenderness and love

Danae ~ Paris, France

Receiving my final transmission of the 10 day Temple Style Lomi Massage training from my Kumu (teacher) Kealohi Wayne Kealohi Powell. This initiation began with a full day forgiveness Ceremony because that is where healing begins. The letting go & softening, making space for new growth. The whole training we each (13 students) journeyed deep & opened to our unlimited potential as self-healers & practitioners of Aloha Mana / Love Spirit Energy. It was incredibly challenging at times & incredibly nourishing. We went through our own healing processes as we studied & practiced the Temple massage dance & gentle joint rotations.


I am grateful to the Hawaiian ancestors for calling to me when I was pregnant with Naïma 5 years ago, for reaching through the Ether & guiding me to this lineage. Thank you Kealohi for coming to Vermont last year to begin the Lomi initiation & for returning to guide us further. I’m grateful for my Kumu’s teachers, the Kahunas & Medicine Womyn of Hawaii who passed on the traditions of Lomi Healing with love & trust, even to people from different lands.

May I continue to carry this knowledge forward in a good way. May my hands & heart remain strong & clear as I channel for myself& those in need. May we all awaken to our divinity as light beings rooted in Mother Earth.

Maria Carvalho Sandoval
Vermont, USA

Hello Wayne!

Thank you again for the beautiful 1-2-1 saturday 6 hours or was that infinity... and beyond!?! So much has shifted and so much makes sense now, things that i didnt even know were an issue for me got aired and resolved in that amazing energy space. I cannot begin to explain, but I know you know. The re-birthing mana breathing was extraordinary - i just wished i could have stayed in that space forever and let that energy buzz through my body at what felt like a million volts - it was very hard to pull myself back to our relative reality!


I am so happy we met, and the Body Tune Up has had an amazing impact on those around me .... what is it with the universe?! people keep saying things like " i have a pain right here (pointing to illoceqal valve!!)" or "is it normal to get heart burn the whole time" and "my doctor recommended i dont eat fibre at the moment to try to help deal with this Crohns Disease" and "oh i really recognise that pain (when pressing on Houston) that's obviously something I get alot" and so onnnnn... bless you for all the knowledge you have shared with us.


i have given several body tune ups and lomi lomi treatments to friends, have sorted my treatment room into a beautiful space and have designed a lovely leaflet to let the local community know what I have to offer them.... so, i'm pretty much ready to rock and invite paying bodies into my home to really start spreading that Aloha!


My energy has shifted so much, thanks to you and the work we did - I am really feeling a connection and chanelling which is getting stronger all the time - I know I said it before, but THANK YOU for coming to England ... I am so happy that we met and you enabled me to shift those blocks.


Mahalo dear Wayne-bow!

I treasure the seed pod you brought with you from Hawaii to me. It is very symbolic for me.


England, UK



Aloha Wayne,


I just finished your Haipule Ceremony. Congratulations, deep from my heart. This is such a wonderful video, reflecting such a marvelous ceremony. You are so authentic, powerful and centered during the ceremony. 


By watching the video, I decided to join the ceremony. We have to solve some family issues and the Haipule ceremony gave me the deep confidence that a peaceful solution is on the way. So it was just the right moment that the link for the video worked :)


I am so happy we get in touch with you. MahaloNuiloa for sharing.

May you be blessed with love, harmony, andpeace inside and outside.


Big Aloha-Hug from



Aloha my new dear friend......Our sunday session was a life altering experience for me as I struggle to find words to do justice in expressing my deepest gratitude and awe of the power of love in action!!!


I held myself quietly and softly within my energetic cocoon of bliss on the ferry ride home and have managed to remain in "that place" with very little effort......I have been cracked open like a delicate egg and feel the breath of divine light within and without my being in my "kNOWing of spirit". My ongoing healing from the opening has in reality been greater opening.......ahhh, my friend, what a gift you have given........thank you, thank you, thank you....blessings abound!


Your music is very resonant with the multi faceted being you the softness of spirit on the wind and thrill to the pounding rhythms of TRUST, like the jazzy number have so many gifts......I take a lesson in manifesting joys...........mmm, mmm.


The healing diet is quite delicious and easy to maintain....I look forward to our workshop and have been setting daily loving intentions for our magic number of nine to unfold......words fall short to describe how I feel...suffice to say: from the deepest center of ALL that IS.....Peace, Love, and Bless You all....



Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada

Aloha, Wayne!

I've just been looking through your web site again this morning, reading the bits and pieces there, and appreciating once again with real humility how fortunate I am to have crossed paths with you! You can never know how grateful I am to have received the transmission of Lomilomi from you and by your example, because of the undeniably huge impact that this has had on my life. Just yesterday I did two Lomi sessions and three the day before that--twenty-six in the past two weeks, and now well past 500 in the three years since the Hummingbird Lodge Lomi training.


In part I have the Haven Institute also to thank for being a base of operations where I could practice and deepen with the Lomi and get precious experience by having my hands on so many diverse bodies/spirits in such a relatively short timeframe. I have not had to struggle, as I did in another, earlier phase of life, to find many willing clients, nor to see the swift expansion of my own reputation or influence as a representative of this lineage to many who otherwise have not contacted it. Everyday that I work with this, every time I enter the temple space with someone, I bless you and this lineage!


I hope and trust that all goes well with you and those who connect with you in your work and life....


Peace, honor, and respect!

Gary Dillon

Gabriola Island, B.C. Canada


Hi Wayne & Patti :)

Thank you both for an amazing Lomi Adventure of love, light and learning. The time spent with the two of you and our collected OHANA was of much value and transformation for me. I believe I will be integrating the experience for awhile yet. I am very grateful for all I received spiritually, professionally and personally while staying in your home, being nurtured by your sacred space and sacred Hearts. I am so looking forward to applying the depth and breath of learning I received from both of you Lomi and Shamanic bodywork angels.


I am confident our Paths will cross again soon. I am hoping I can attend in June or speak with you about finding my way back to Bellingham to learn from you in another small group format or even taking the instructors training in order to have the opportunity to learn one on one or two people or another 4-6 group context. I welcome any opportunity we can create to be mentored by the two of you in 2006... and I will keep the door open for that possibility to manifest.


Thank you both for the wonderful CD music suggestions...for the healing and powerful music you played during our sessions... for your wisdom and love you generously gave and for bringing the light of your multifaceted gifts to my learning and heart.


Many Blessings and With Much Gratitude!

Lorrie Indiana, USA

"It is truly the experience of a lifetime--regenerating, life-giving work."
Albie Shamess
Victoria, B.C. Canada

Body Tune-Up Responses


I am doing wonderfully well. I have followed that diet fairly stringently & feel healthy, have lost weight & have had no meds (including my chemo) for almost 2 weeks. I have no intention of ever going back on them. I know absolutely in my heart that it is “right”.


I feel like I am living in a state of grace, things come along as they do, whether I perceive them wanted or not, they are usually exactly what I need. My perpetual anxiety has abated & instead of living a fear-based life, I live a love-based one. This is not to say this is ALL a result of my healing session with you but, since then, every one of these things has just gotten better & better.


My son seems to have very quickly found a raised conscious state himself (he was in a bit of a crisis mode & just let go & surrendered to it.) Our conversations now are rich beyond my wildest dreams.

The healing work I have done around my Dad continues to improve my relationship with him & indeed, most of the people in my life.


I feel happier, kinder, more thoughtful than I have ever been. I really look forward to another session with you. I would love to come to Kauai so I will no doubt do so when the time is right.

In the meantime, I have booked another session with Tami.


Much appreciation for all the healing you bring to our world. I feel incredibly grateful for this chance I had to experience it.

Love & blessings,


Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada

Aloha Kealohi,
warm love and blessings to you.  I wanted to let you know that after the iliocecal valve reset and following the meal plan, I have been experiencing low blood sugars..  I have been able to cut my insulin dosage in half and am working on knowing that I am healed. I wanted to thank you so much for showing me that there is always another way.  This retreat was transformative, to say the least and I am forever blessed to have met you. I am following this path and am ready to heal myself and others in the way of Aloha.


Caity Kaye ~ Vermont, USA

"After my tuneup and lomi lomi session on saturday, i felt like a new man! It was like Wayne took apart my body and replace the sore aching ones w/new ones!  and once again, i experienced massive surges of energy thru my body!

aloha & mahalo wayne!!!"

Steven Bochinski
Bellingham, WA

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